The Coburn’s

Tim & Vanessa have been married for 18 years. They have served together in ministry for 20 years. 12 years ago they felt called to plant a church in the urban core of Downtown Sacramento, Ca; Society Church Sacramento. They faithfully co-pastored that community for 10 years and successfully transitioned leadership to it’s new Lead Pastors, after sensing a strong call from God that it was time to move on from Sacramento. Sensing a strong invitation of the Spirit to Portland, Oregon the Coburn family took the leap, resigned from their staff positions at a church in San Luis Obispo, CA and are moving to Portland in June of 2024.

Tim is currently finishing up his masters degree at Western Seminary in Portland, OR. He currently holds a BA in Biblical Studies. He has a deep conviction to reach the lost and help people find truth and friendship in the love of Christ. He loves good coffee, listening to music, pizza, hiking, camping, snowboarding, reading and spending time with is favorite people: his family.

Vanessa is currently pursuing further education in Spiritual Formation through the Renovare Institute. She has her degree in Worship Theology and Leadership and is a certified Spiritual Director. Vanessa has a high value on bringing creativity and presence into the church as a prophetic witness to the character of God. She is also an artist, amateur ceramist, loves good coffee, laughing and appreciates a deep conversation.

Both Tim and Vanessa have taken vows through a monastic order through the 24/7 Prayer Movement: “Order of the Mustard Seed”. Vows to : “Be true to Christ, kind to all people and take the gospel to the world.”

Miles is 16 years old; he loves basketball, photography, graphic design and has dreams of pursuing sports journalism. He also has his own podcast (Fastbreak Podcast) and creates his own zines. Miles is extremely creative, wise beyond his years, has a prophetic gift of knowledge and loves to serve. He carries a quiet confidence & wisdom that has been shaped and formed in him through various challenges in his young life.

Moses is 13 years old; he loves basketball & running, loves to read and draw, and has a witty sense of humor. Moses embodies love, compassion and service towards others. He is a true worshipper; through song & how he lives. He is a friend to all and incredibly attentive to others. He desires to pursue education in his future and becoming a teacher. Moses has the spiritual gift of helping, truth telling and deep empathy. He may also have a photographic memory.

Scout is 10 years old; he LOVES soccer and snacks. Scout has a heart for the overlooked and excluded, he is an incredible friend, compassionate and wildly funny. His charisma has the ability to bring people in close to receive laughter and friendship. Scout has a passion for prayer and uses his spiritual gift of encouragement to breathe courage into those around him.


Together, as a family on mission,

we strongly believe God has sent us

out into the world to be a light

of God’s goodness and offer the love, hope and joy that can only be

found in Christ.


Why Portland?