Where society, faith and life meet.

A new church coming to Portland, Oregon in 2025.


Tim & Vanessa have been married for 18 years. They have served together in ministry for 20 years. 12 years ago they felt called to plant a church in the urban core of Downtown Sacramento, Ca; Society Church Sacramento. They faithfully co-pastored that community for 10 years and successfully transitioned leadership to it’s new Lead Pastors, after sensing a strong call from God that it was time to move on from Sacramento. Sensing a strong invitation of the Spirit to Portland, Oregon the Coburn family took the leap, resigned from their staff positions at a church in San Luis Obispo, CA and moved to Portland in June of 2024.


Portland, the city of roses and rain. Located in the shadow of the Pacific Northwest mountain range of the Cascades. It is nestled along the Columbia and Willamette Rivers and not far from the beautiful Pacific Coast. This is a city that has been described as a place of creativity, grit and deep divide. Where political and ideological polarization abides and where the deep need for gospel shaped renewal is greatly needed.

We have a vision for a church that embeds itself within the fabric of the city through engaging in culture forming activities and vocations. We want to raise up passionate Jesus followers who understand how to live out their faith in their marriages, singleness, families, workplaces, recreation, the arts, local neighborhoods, the city and world in a gospel centered and Spirit led way. A church where society, faith and life meet. A people who live out an integrated spirituality amidst all of life.